(株)Taeyoung Filtration System的全自动压滤机是排出清澈的过滤液的同时,生产水分含量最低的滤饼的最佳解决方案。 为了在所有产业现场实现最佳性能,Taeyoung压滤机以刚性机身结构、精密的设计、操作方便以及针对恶劣操作环境的操作方案组成,并有多种尺寸的产品线。以积累30年的经验为基础,Taeyoung压滤机采用了最先进的自动化系统。 通过PLC编程,实现从全自动滤饼分离、全自动滤布清洗、滤饼自动排出到多功能过滤辅助工序及监控系统的高性能、全自动操作。
Side-bar construction, filter plate size range available from 470 x 470mm to 1500 x 1500 mm
Low and high pressure : 7 bar, 15 bar
Electric closure of filter plate :
- 1500 mm, 1200 mm : 4-head
- 1000 mm : 1-head
Filter plate : Membrane mixed pack or Recessed plates
Manifold and Auto valves : Slurry feed and Filtrate discharge, Ancillary process
Filtration process :
Automatic Plate shifting device
Automatic cake discharge device by air-jet
Automatic cloth washing device
PLC control system (with touch PC) Manual / Semi-auto / Full-auto operating
Automatic drip tray / belt conveyor
Safety light curtain / trip wires